Transportation and Infrastructure Committee leaders today introduced bipartisan legislation that improves the infrastructure, reduces costs, creates greater accountability and transparency, leverages private sector resources, and accelerates project delivery for Amtrak and the Nation’s passenger rail transportation system. View the full press release here.
Passenger Rail Reform and Investment Act of 2015 Highlights
Reforms Amtrak to Increase Transparency, Reduce Costs, and Operate More Like a Business
Eliminates Amtrak’s losses in food and beverage service
Mandates Amtrak carry out a business case analysis for all major procurements
Eliminates Amtrak’s black-box accounting and requires transparent bookkeeping aligned with core service functions
Leverages Resources and Encourages Non-Federal Participation
Creates station development opportunities for the private sector
Opens new revenue streams through right-of-way development
Unlocks an underutilized federal railroad loan program
Assists with advancing large infrastructure projects through partnerships with states
Targets Investments Where There is the Greatest Potential for Success
Improves management of the Northeast Corridor
Incentivizes increased Northeast Corridor investments
Empowers States to Have a Greater Role in Managing Routes
Ensures states are equal partners, giving them a greater say in decision making to ensure passengers get the best service
Strengthens transparency to give states and Congress greater insight into Amtrak’s accounting to identify areas for improvement
Requires Amtrak to evaluate long-distance routes, improve services, and lower costs
Streamlines Environmental Reviews and Accelerates Project Delivery
Sets hard deadlines to reasonably limit review times
Requires reviews to occur concurrently rather than consecutively
Improves coordination among federal, state, and local agencies involved in the reviews