
ROGER WICKER: Infrastructure work stimulates state’s economic vitality

The future of our communities depends on investments that not only meet current challenges but also anticipate future ones. In traveling across the state over the past month, I have continually seen how Mississippi is looking ahead to create better transportation options, more opportunities for economic growth and a richer quality of life for everyone who calls our state home.

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Southern Rail Commission applauds the selection of Charles “Wick” Moorman as the new President and CEO of Amtrak

Longtime head of Norfolk Southern tapped to lead nation’s passenger rail system

In response to the appointment of Charles W. “Wick” Moorman to the position of President of Amtrak, Greg White, Chairman of the Southern Rail Commission, released this statement:

“The Southern Rail Commission is encouraged by today’s appointment of Wick Moorman to serve as President and CEO of Amtrak. His appointment extends a long tradition of presidents with a track record of supporting a national, holistic passenger rail network that includes the booming northeast corridor, state-supported routes and critical long distance service. As the group responsible for the development and expansion of passenger rail in Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana, the Southern Rail Commission is also proud to see a native Mississippian take the helm of our nation’s passenger rail system.    

“Though his background is in freight rail as the long-time head of the Norfolk Southern Corporation where he spent nearly his entire career, he is a railroader first who clearly understands the value of providing reliable on-time performance to customers.

“Even during the recession, Moorman led massive capital investments at Norfolk Southern to improve service and expand their business. He has an impressive track record as an innovator when it comes to investing in research and new technology to find ways to move things faster and more efficiently.

“With passenger rail ridership reaching levels not seen in decades and the demand growing for new and expanded service in untapped markets, we welcome Moorman’s commitment to rail capital investments and his track record of working in good faith with Amtrak to provide quality service to riders.

“On behalf of my fellow commissioners at the Southern Rail Commission, we are eager to work with Mr. Moorman to bring new passenger rail service to the deep south and restore critical passenger rail service to the Gulf Coast, connecting millions of people in those communities — and tourists from beyond — with another valuable, efficient, affordable option for traveling to, from and along the Gulf Coast.”

Mobile joins coalition to support restoring passenger rail service to Gulf Coast

The City of Mobile is the latest municipality to join a coalition of cities across the Gulf Coast that support the restoration of a passenger rail service extending from New Orleans to Orlando.

“A Gulf Coast passenger rail service will facilitate job creation, enhance tourism and reduce environmental and roadway impacts,” Mayor Stimpson said. “This service will not only connect cities across the Gulf Coast, but will also link Mobile to the Midwest, West Coast and across the nation. It will benefit all of our citizens, but especially those with limited transportation options or physical challenges.”

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Passenger rail between New Orleans and Orlando being studied

Efforts are ongoing to bring back passenger rail between New Orleans and Orlando, a route that never returned after Hurricane Katrina.

On Wednesday (June 22), the Jefferson Parish Council approved a resolution that would show support for re-establishing the line -- one of many local governments along the route that have weighed in. The Amtrak line would in some ways be an extension of a line currently running from Chicago to New Orleans, though it would pick up additional crews and equipment when it stops in New Orleans, said John Spain, vice chairman of the Southern Rail Commission, who is based in Baton Rouge.

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Official Statement by Southern Rail Commission

The Southern Rail Commission (SRC) issues this statement to correct recent misleading and erroneous information reported by a few media outlets that have circulated regarding Corridor Capital, which has been falsely described as a “passenger rail operator.”

Recent news reports about a passenger rail provider locating in Montgomery, Alabama and starting multiple passenger services across the state have created serious concern among members of the Southern Rail Commission, and those who are advancing the efforts of passenger rail.  These reports imply that the Southern Rail Commission was the source for information presented in these reports, and implied that the SRC is a supporter of these efforts.  These reports were erroneous and misleading, and do not represent the official position of the Southern Rail Commission. The SRC does not currently have any business with Corridor Capital, nor pending business.

In fact, the SRC had one ten-minute presentation at a public meeting last year from Corridor Capital. No action was taken following their presentation, nor is any action expected.  The SRC had no conversations or negotiations with them prior to, nor since, that time.  In fact, in direct contradiction of comments made in the recent press stories about Corridor Capital “having existing operations for many years” in the Midwest and Northeast, their representative stated at the SRC meeting that they “do not operate any train services at this time.” 

The SRC has enjoyed a strong partnership with Amtrak, who has shown record ridership in recent years and demonstrated increasing revenue.  Our freight rail partners have indicated that they have had no conversations with Corridor Capital.  Local and state elected officials have denied having more than a cursory conversation with Corridor Capital, and they have had no negotiations.  Thus, the suggestion that Corridor Capital can operate passenger service within the next 18 months is suspect, at best.

While the SRC is very supportive of enhanced and improved passenger rail service from potential providers, we are committed to openness, honesty and accuracy, and we want to balance public expectations by providing reasonable timeframes for progress backed by data, analysis and studies. Our state and national leaders expect nothing less from us, and it is our goal to deliver that on behalf of our states.

The SRC has worked diligently over the past couple of years with our industry partners, including Amtrak, CSX, Norfolk Southern, and other freight railroads, along with the Federal Railroad Administration, with our Congressional delegations, and with state and local government and business leaders, to position our region for the return of passenger rail service – first along the Gulf Coast, and then for the return or development of other inter-city rail services.

We cannot overstate how vital each of these partners are to our efforts.  The great working relationships that are being developed – and the strong grassroots support that is growing– provide our region with the best opportunity we have had in many years to see expanded passenger rail service become reality.

The SRC has an established protocol for public comments and the contact authorized to speak on behalf of the SRC is Greg White, Chair. Send inquiries to

Through Recent Vote, City Commissioners Renew Support For Amtrak's Return

Tallahassee City Commissioners say they support an ongoing effort to return Amtrak to the area. They recently unanimously voted yes on a resolution to restore the passenger rail service. The route would be between New Orleans and Orlando. 

Former City Mayor John Marks is a member of the Gulf Coast Rail Working Group, which has been working to get Amtrak reestablished along the Gulf Coast. But, he told the commissioners that despite their backing, Congress has still not budgeted any funds.

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Southern Rail Commission exhibits at Alabama League of Municipalities Annual Convention

The 81st Annual Convention of the Alabama League of Municipalities is underway in Huntsville through May 17.   J. William McFarland, Jr, Governor Bentley’s Designee who is attending on behalf of the Southern Rail Commission stated, “the Southern Rail Commission is committed to partnering with elected officials at the local levels of government throughout Alabama, and this Convention afforded us the opportunity to connect with a diverse group of leaders from throughout our state about passenger rail and economic development.” 

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